ASEANSAI was established on 16 November 2011 as the realization of a shared desire among Supreme Audit Institution in the ASEAN region. ASEANSAI is a forum that serves to facilitate to sharing knowledge and experience in the field of public sector audit. ASEANSAI is expected to be able to play an important role in increasing the capacity of audit institutions in the respective states of ASEANSAI.
ASEANSAI has passed more than one year since it was established. Over the years, there have been many activities undertaken by ASEANSAI, from ASEANSAI Executive Committee meeting in early 2012 to the last ASEANSAI implementation in 2012, that is the implementation of the Workshop on Quality Assurance in Financial Audit conducted on 3-8 December 2012. In accordance with the purpose of its founding, ASEANSAI has undertaken a number of activities aimed at improving the capacity of the members. During 2012 were held two knowledge sharing activities and the training activities.
Besides that, ASEANSAI Committees have also demonstrated their commitment as agreed in the respective committee’s workplan summarized in ASEANSAI Plan 2012-2013. Training Committee and Sharing Knowledge Committee have conducted the capacity building activities such as symposium and workshops. The ASEANSAI Rules and Procedures and the Strategic Plan was endorsed during the General Assembly Meeting ASEANSAI in Brunei Darussalam, 6 November 2013 altogether with the Knowledge Sharing Committee Work Plan and the Training Committee Work Plan. On this occassion the chairmanship also handed over by Mr. Hadi Poernomo from the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia to the new chairman, Mr. Haji Abd. Rahman bin Haji Mat Salleh from Jabatan Audit Brunei Darussalam.
The establishment of ASEANSAI is not merely a ceremonial event, and this report will provide an overview of the follow-up to the establishment of ASEANSAI through positive activities that have been running during 2012-2013.