
Cambodia is a Southeast Asian state which is based on constitutional monarchy. It is the legacy of Khmer empire which once ruled the Indochina peninsula from 11th century to 14th century.

In 2008, the population of Cambodia stood at 14,241,640 people with a growth of 3.08 percent per year. Its population consists mostly of the Khmer people or about 94 percent, and the rest are Chinese and Vietnamese ethnics.During the administration of the democratic republic, the Cambodian economy dropped. But in 1990s, the country saw its economy growing robustly. Its per capita income sharply increased,despite it was at a level lower than those of other ASEAN countries. Then in 1997, like other Asian countries hit by the financial crisis, its economy decelerated. During that time foreign investments and income from its tourism sector decreased significantly, causing an economic chaos that had led to upheavals and violence in the country.
