Posted by admin On July 27, 2021

With the purpose to discuss unresolved issues that are still progressing, the ASEANSAI Technical Meeting for the 6th SOM was held virtually on 27 July 2021. 44 participants as representatives from 10 ASEANSAI Members were also actively participating in the meeting with SAI Malaysia as the Host SAI and SAI Indonesia as the Secretariat led the meeting.

There were 4 main issues discussed during the meeting:

  1. Status of the study analysis on ASEANSAI legal capacity.
  2. Alignment of ASEANSAI Committee’s Work Plan 2022-2023 with ASEANSAI Strategic Plan 2022-2025.
  3. Status for the draft ASEANSAI Strategic Plan 2022-2025.
  4. Proposed date and agenda for the 6th Summit.

The discussion runs fruitfully and all participants actively contributed to all meeting agendas. At the end of the meeting, participants agreed to bring the result of the study analysis on ASEANSAI legal capacity, the latest draft of the Committee’s Work Plan 2022-2023, the latest draft of ASEANSAI Strategic Plan 2022-2025, and the proposed date and agenda of the 6th Summit to be tabled at the 6th SOM for approval and to be brought to the Summit for the Assembly’s approval.

In addition to that, results of the meeting are expected to be reported to the respective Head of Delegates (HoD) to help them be aware of the latest progress of the issues for the preparation of the upcoming SOM on 28 and 29 July 2021.