As one of the continuations of the LTAPII, the “ASEANSAI Workshop on Compliance Audit” was held virtually from 28 to 30 June 2021. The workshop aimed to capacitate ASEANSAI Auditors in conducting ISSAI-based compliance audits and to create pathways for compliance Auditors in the quest for improved competence, confidence, and credibility.
SAI Philippines as the Chair of the ASEANSAI Training Committee hosted and led the Workshop with the participation of around 40 representatives from 5 ASEANSAI member countries and representatives from the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO) as the Observers.
The Workshop covered the explanations on compliance audit overview and concepts, planning the audit at a strategic level, performing audit procedures, evaluating audit evidence, reporting and follow up, and carrying out the quality control procedures.
After the workshop, ASEANSAI is expected to have around 20 capacitated auditors on compliance audit to sustain the implementation of ISSAI-based compliance audit in ASEANSAI.