Posted by admin On November 29, 2019

By the collective effort from Committees and Secretariat, a clear reflection of ASEANSAI commitment to escalate the role of ASEANSAI, within the national, regional and professional level as well as to implement the Strategic Plan 2018-2021, could be seen. Number of productive activities has been conducted in 2018, including: (1) Completion of Long-term ASEANSAI Programme on ISSAI Implementation (LTAPII) through the Interim Wrap-up and Final Wrap-up Meeting; (2) Continuation and sustainability of LTAPII through Course Design and Development Meeting on Sustainability Programme for LTAPII and IDI-ASEANSAI Cooperative Financial Audit; and (3) Workshop on Follow-up of the Audit Public Procurement.

In addition, ASEANSAI also launched the Secretariat Office based in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was the symbol of mutual respect of each SAI to build strong network within and beyond ASEAN, and to strengthen the capacity in promoting the good governance. Moreover, ASEANSAI also managed to finalize the Monitoring and Evaluation System Guidelines in July 2018.

In February 2018, ASEANSAI held the Donor Meeting with representative from United Nations Development Program (UNDP), SAI Norway and SAI Sweden to discuss the ongoing and upcoming cooperation. Moreover, ASEANSAI also attended  the ASEANSAI-ADB IPSASB Strategy Roundtable & Capacity Forum held in Manila, Philippines on May 2018. Sequentially in June 2018, ASEANSAI had the opportunity to participate in Working Level Meeting of INTOSAI-Regions Coordination Platform in Norway.

At the midst of the year, on August 2018, Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO) visited the ASEANSAI Secretariat in Jakarta. The visit aimed to discuss the continuation of cooperation and renewal of the MoU between ASEANSAI and SNAO. In September 2018, ASEANSAI had an opportunity to present its profile and achievement at the 14th Assembly of ASOSAI & the 52nd Governing Board Meeting of ASOSAI in Vietnam. And as a part for the end of 2018’s agenda, ASEANSAI joined the XXVIII OLACEFS General Assembly in Argentina.

It is hoped this report would provide comprehensive information on the ASEANSAI activities during 2018.


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