Posted by admin On April 10, 2019

As a part of the 3i Programme – ISSAI Implementation Initiative, the IDI has been supporting SAIs in different INTOSAI regions in conducting ISSAI compliant audits. With ASEANSAI, IDI give their support on the Cooperative Financial Audit.

The IDI-ASEANSAI Cooperative Financial Audit Program was started by the training and planning workshop held in December 2018. Based on the preliminary audit plan prepared at the planning workshop, the audit team conducted actual audit at the early of 2019. Currently, the project enters to the mentor onsite visit. Each mentors provide one-week onsite support to each SAI at the conducting phase of the audit. On this stage, mentor has opportunity to discuss directly with the audit team on the audit progress and the challenges they face in performing the audit. Mentor will provide the input and assist the audit team to perform their audit as planned and in line with the ISSAI.

Mark Anthony Flores from SAI Philippines is the mentor for the audit team of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK). He visited BPK for mentoring on 8 – 12 April 2019.  He also has responsibility to assist the audit team from SAI Laos on 20 – 24 May 2019. Another audit team from SAI Vietnam, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, and Cambodia are also on mentor onsite visit with their respective mentors.

After finishing the mentor onsite visit, the audit teams are requested to prepare the audit report to be reviewed by IDI manager and resource person. At the end of the program, workshop on Quality Assurance will be organized to indicate the extent of compliance to financial audit ISSAI requirements.

Discussion between SAI Indonesia Audit Team and Mentor

Group Photo with Auditor General of Yangon Region, Mrs. Khin Than Hla

Courtesy Call with Director General of Audit III, Mr. Blucer Welington Rajagukguk

Courtesy Call with Chairperson of Commission on Audit, Mr. Michael G. Aguinaldo