Posted by admin On September 6, 2018

The SAV’s development strategy by 2020 has identified international cooperation as one of the core elements contributing to the development of SAV as an important State finance and asset oversight agency. Accordingly, SAV places a high priority on strengthening bilateral and multilateral cooperation relations with traditional partners, i.e. ASOSAI’s and INTOSAI’s members, to improve both institutional capacity and the status of SAV in the regional and world community. In this spirit, for the period 2010-2015, SAV actively participated in various activities of ASOSAI. SAV was a member of the ASOSAI Governing Board for the 2009-2012 term, one of four cofounders of ASEANSAI and the chairman of the ASEANSAI Strategic Plan Committee and hosted many important events within the framework of ASOSAI and ASEANSAI.

At the 13th ASOSAI Assembly in Malaysia, SAV, with remarkable efforts and determination to reinforce its established status has been approved to be the host of the 14th Assembly in 2018. This will be a prime opportunity for SAV to confirm its position and role among member SAIs and international organizations at both regional and global levels; to show the development and ability of SAV to assume international responsibilities within the ASOSAI community; to win the trust of member SAIs and international organizations in the SAV’s capacity for organizing international events, thereby enhancing the SAV’s influence and status in the international arena. On the occasion of the 14th ASOSAI Assembly, SAV will also be able to present the image of Vietnam as a dynamic, friendly and safe destination for investment, business and tourism. Delegates from many countries will have plenty of opportunity to discover and learn about the country, people, culture as well as the achievements of Vietnam.

The 14th ASOSAI Assembly will be held from 19-22 September 2018 in Hanoi, the Capital city of Vietnam. The Assembly’s official events will take place during 04 days, from 19 (Wednesday) to 22 (Saturday) September 2018 while  technical/ professional meetings of the Secretariat, Committees and Working Groups, the 52nd and 53rd  Governing Board Meetings will take place within 03 days before and after the official sessions of the Assembly. Under the Tentative Agenda, the 14th ASOSAI Assembly plans to include the following contents:

– To adopt the Annual Action Plan to implement the ASOSAI Strategic Plan 2016-2021; Capacity Development Plan for 2018-2021;

– To vote to select personnel for ASOSAI Board of Directors, Chairman, Secretary General, Audit Committee for the term 2018-2021;

– To organize the 7th Symposium on “Environmental Auditing for Sustainable Development”;

– To approve the Hanoi Declaration.

The 14th ASOSAI Assembly also commemorates the introduction and development of an important ASOSAI legal document, i.e. the 40-year ASOSAI Charter. At the Assembly, member SAIs will have a chance to look back on the ASOSAI’s achievements after 40 years of ASOSAI Charter.

The logo of the 14th ASOSAI Assembly is inspired by the image of “leaves and water”, which symbolizes the environment – the main theme of the 14th ASOSAI Assembly on “Environmental Audit for Sustainable Development”

“Environmental Auditing for Sustainable Development” – The main theme of professional discussion at ASOSAI 14 is an important agenda item of the ASOSAI Assembly, reflecting commitments, efforts and contributions of ASOSAI community to the UN’s pursuit  of sustainable development in general and global environment protection in particular. As a key outcome document of the Assembly, the Ha Noi Declaration is expected to contribute to regional and international community of audit institutions by introducing important and useful policies, solutions and efficient tools to solve environmental problems with the aim of completing audit procedures and guidelines on sustainable development for member SAIs.

As required by the ASOSAI, the 14th ASOSAI Assembly’s website has officially launched at www.asosai14.vn to facilitate the organization of the Assembly and to present information on the country and people of Vietnam, the SAV’s role in the national political system, the ASOSAI and the 14th ASOSAI Assembly to international colleagues, friends and public community.

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