Posted by admin On April 7, 2017

The Long-Term ASEANSAI Programme on ISSAI Implementation is the reflection of the need to capacitate in implementing the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs). This need was identified in a knowledge sharing workshop in Kuala Lumpur conducted by SAI Malaysia, as the Chairperson of the ASEANSAI Knowledge Sharing Committee.

 This workshop brought the attention that knowledge sharing activities are not only to capacitate ASEANSAI auditors on the ISSAIs but also to identify the challenges. It is required to identify the gaps between the existing audit practices of a SAI vis-à-vis the requirements of the ISSAIs to be addressed through capacity building. For sustainability of ISSAI implementation, any improvement in the audit practices thru these interventions would then be shared with other ASEANSAI members thru knowledge sharing activities.

 The programme was planned to take place for three years started from 2015 until 2018, involving online learning, face to face meeting and conducting pilot audit in Phase I. While in Phase II, the participants will be capacitated with facilitating skill in promoting and advocating the implementation ISSAI within their respective SAIs.