Since 2014, IDI and INTOSAI organizes regular annual meeting to discuss the issues of SAI capacity development based on mutual interest. In 2015, a similar meeting was attended by representatives from the INTOSAI PSC, CBC and KSC. In 2016, IDI had arranged a workshop from 31 August to 2 September 2016 in Oslo, Norway.The meeting objective is to discuss the 2016 Regional Strategic Management Framework and introduce INTOSAI Competency Framework and program Monitoring and Follow Up.
The workshop was attended by 42 participants from regional organizations of INTOSAI such as AFROSAI-E, ASOSAI,CAROSAI, EUROSAI, PASAI, ARABOSAI, OLACEFS and committee under the INTOSAI namely Capacity Building Committee (CBC), Knowledge Sharing Committee (KSC) INTOSAI Secretariat dan host SAI for XXII INCOSAI. ASEANSAI also invited to attend the workshop to provide feedback as sub regional organization on the IDI documents and to discuss follow up and possibility cooperation between ASEANSAI and IDI in the ISSAI Implementation framework.
The workshop was opened by Einar Gørrisen as Director General of IDI, by delivering the purpose of organizing the workshop as well as the expected outputs of the workshop. The workshop also informing IDI current activity status and seeking advice from INTOSAI regions on emerging issues, what works and what could be done better by the IDI
ASEANSAI, represented by the Secretariat and Training Committee, held a side meeting with IDI to discuss future cooperation between IDI and ASEANSAI. The meeting was attended by Deputy Director General IDI and Capacity Development Manager 3i Financial Audit and representative from ASOSAI Capacity Development Administrator.
IDI offered cooperation with ASEANSAI for 3i Management Programme phase 2 with some alternatives. The programme consists of six steps and will be completed within a period of two years (includes training, pilot audit, QA process, methodology and follow up the recommendation on auditing practices). IDI will also involve resource person ASOSAI of other SAI other than ASEANSAI member. IDI intends to gather all the support from across the region to support the program.