ASEANSAI Training Design and Product Development Meeting for the Workshop on the Audit of Public Procurement (WAPP) were held in Manila, Philippines from 23 to 26 May 2016 and attended by the participants from SAI Malaysia and Philippines, with the support from the GIZ-ASEANSAI project.
The activity is a continuation from the Course Design and Development and Instructional Techniques Workshop (CDDITW) were conducted in Johor Bahru, Malaysia on 9-24 June 2014, which was attended by 32 auditors from 9 SAIs. This workshop aimed at capacitates the participants on how to design and develop course materials and how to effectively deliver the developed course materials. As part of the design of the CDDITW, practice work was included where the participants were divided into groups and assigned one course each to design and develop during the workshop itself.
The meeting has been discussed and produced the following result:
1) Course design of complete workshop materials or courseware;
2) Structure and content of WAPP;
3) Prescribed action plan requiring the WAPP participants’ application of learning;
4) Matrix of workshop schedule and assignment of instructors/facilitators for the conduct of the WAPP assignments, and
5) Monitoring template for the completion of action plan.