Posted by admin On May 31, 2016


In November 2015, the National Audit Authority of Cambodia (NAA) took over the Chairmanship of ASEANSAI and the State Audit Office of Lao PDR (SAO) assumed its tasks as the Vice-Chairman of the organization. Meanwhile, the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK) acts as the Secretariat Function of ASEANSAI. All three SAIs have the responsibility to assure a smooth progress of ASEANSAI events and should therefore be trained in effective project management.

With the administrative support from GIZ, the Project Management Workshop was successfully held in Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand on 23-26 May 2016. It was attended by participants from NAA, SAO, BPK, as well as representatives and trainers from GIZ.IMG_8551

The objectives of the workshop are to prepare those three-focal points of ASEANSAI to coordinate the implementation of ASEANSAI events according to the Strategic Plan and to inform the relevant steps in project management to be implemented in the future events of ASEANSAI.

During the workshop, participants discussed the main aspects of project management, means to apply basic project management tools on ASEANSAI, challenges and solutions to be done when facing the stalled-project, ways to present a project to cooperation partner, and process of informal communciations among technical staff. Participants were actively involved and exchanged their views and opinions in the workshop.

As the follow up of the workshop, participants planned to revise and evaluate the implementation of ASEANSAI Strategic Plan by; simplifying the log frame from all Strategic Objectives, introducing the draft Strategic Goal no. 2 and no. 3 to Training Committee and Knowledge Sharing Committee, and involving result-based management on drafting the Strategic Plan.