The ASEANSAI Coordination Meeting on LTAPII (Long-Term ASEANSAI Programmme on ISSAI Implementation) was held from 20 to 22 April 2016 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The meeting was attended by 15 participants from BPK (ISSAI Sub Project Leader on Risk-Based Audit), JAN Malaysia (Sub Project Leader on ISSAI Facilitator Pool), COA of Philippines (ISSAI Project Leader), ASEANSAI Secretariat Function and GIZ Representatives. Objective of this meeting are clarify the continuity of LTAPII programme after the Phase 1 which will be ended on July 2016, clarify the role and responsibility of Project Leader, Sub Project Leader and ASEANSAI Secretariat, preparing smooth transition from phase 1 to phase 2 and detail of the activities in phase 2 of the LTAPII.
The LTAPII phase 1 will end in July 2016 and will continue with the phase 2 for the ISSAI Facilitator certification. In this meeting, the participants agreed upon the alternatives based on its priority for the certification, the MoU arrangement between ASEANSAI and IDI detailed activities for phase 2 and its preparation.
Moreover, to ensure the smooth transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2 the meeting participants also agreed upon the need to accelerate the process by drafting action plan before Audit Review Meeting, quality assurance process of the pilot audit and the arrangement with the Subject Matter Expert from Sweden National Audit Office. This coordination meeting will be followed up by a Mentor Meeting to clarify role and responsibility each parties and evaluation from the audit plan as the final assignment from the e-learning website.