Posted by admin On February 16, 2016

The ASEANSAI Technical Meeting was held on 16 February 2016, side to side with the 50th ASOSAI Governing Board Meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Based the mandate from Executive Committee which gave authority to Secretariat to lead the meeting, Mr. Hendar Ristriawan, Head of Secretariat Function, lead the meeting in seeking input and perspective from ASEANSAI members for the settlement of ASEANSAI Agreement and arrangement for cooperation with donors.

The Technical meeting was attended by 12 delegates from five SAIs, namely SAI Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. The meeting agreed on the following matters:

  1. Cooperation with donors should be managed by the Secretariat under the consultation with ASEANSAI Chairperson,
  2. the ASEANSAI Chairperson should be the signatory of the agreement/MoU with donors. This is in line with the ASEANSAI Rules and Procedures, paragraph 9.7 explaining that upon Assembly’s approval of the draft donor agreement/MoU, the Chairman of ASEANSAI shall represent the Assembly to be the signatory of the donor agreement /MoU.
  3. Final draft of the protocol on amending the ASEANSAI Agreement will be circulated to all ASEANSAI members to obtain internal clearance and will be signed during XXII INCOSAI in Abu Dhabi, UAE.