The SAI of Vietnam, the State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV), had its second IntoSAINT workshop during 25-26 November 2015.
The workshop was subsequent to the 1st one held in December 2012 and moderated by peers from SAIs of the Netherlands and Korea. The four Vietnamese ASEANSAI-certified IntoSAINT moderators have conducted the workshop. One IntoSAINT expert from the SAI of Indonesia and one senior expert from GIZ were invited in to help and observe the event to assure its compliance with the guidelines in the Manual IntoSAINT 2013.
The evaluation was conducted on the entire SAV. Nineteen junior leaders from 16 of the total 32 subordinate departmental units of SAV participated the workshop as the assessors, and around 25 organisational processes were pre-selected for assessment and evaluation. During the workshop, the assessors identified Contracting and Inspection/audit as the two most vulnerable areas, and Complexity, Change/Dynamics and Management be the three most important clusters of vulnerability enhancing factors to the present business processes of SAV. The assessors also pointed out Audit and monitoring, and Responsibility as the least mature clusters of controls in the integrity control system (ICS) of SAV.
After doing gap analysis of the vunerability and ICS maturity, the assessors come up with over 20 recommendations to reduce the vulnerability level and to strengthen the control maturity in SAV. An report of the workshop results after being re-formatted to the Vietnamese practical context was sent to one of the Deputy Auditors General who is currently in charge of international affairs and audit quality control.
The next IntoSAINT workshop is expected to be held in 2017.