The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia hosted the ASEANSAI Knowledge Sharing Workshop on Water Management Auditing held in Yogyakarta, 18 – 20 August 2015 and was attended by 22 participants from nine SAIs of ASEANSAI members. As the Project Leader for this project, Dr. Sutthi Suntharanurak, Research and Development, from Office of Auditor General of Thailand led the discussion during the two days workshop.
Mr. Prajuck Boonyoung, Inspector General 1, representing OAG Thailand as the Project Leader conveyed opening address at the opening session and followed by Mr. Ir. Md. Wahid bin Mohd Nor, Director of the Water Management Division from JAN Malaysia, representing Chair of Knowledge Sharing Committee. Finally, this workshop was officially opened by Mr. Sapto Amal Damandari, Vice Chairman of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia.
The objective of the workshop is to provide a forum for knowledge sharing about auditing management among ASEANSAI member countries through exchange of ideas, experiences, researches, and best practices in the field of audit on water management.
This workshop was divided into two main activities. The first activity is led by OAG Thailand as the project leader of water cluster in which they shared their knowledge about water management auditing focused on three topics: (a) research on topics of water management auditing based on studies from audit reports; (b) sharing audit experience on flood mitigation and (c) river of life project which came from lesson learned of parallel auditing of Mekong River. The second activity is giving opportunity to other SAIs to share knowledge their and experience on water management auditing.
It is expected that this workshop will improve the understanding and experience of ASEANSAI members on conducting audit on water management by learning from other SAIs.