Posted by admin On August 28, 2015

In order to improve the awareness of ASEANSAI members on its results and activities, GIZ organized  a Training on “Effective PR and Communication for Supreme Audit Institutions in ASEAN” which was attended by 16 Officials from 9 SAIs in ASEANin Bangkok, Thailand on August 11th-13th 2015 and

The training aimed to enhance the understanding of PR and communication as well as requirements for good Public Relations (PR) for ASEANSAI members staff. During the training, the participants were encouraged to have discussion and share their  experiences in doing PR and communications. There were also practical excercise in a group  where participants brought their own cases of ASEANSAI activity and PR material to be produced afterwards. The training resulted draft of PR products such as ASEANSAI slide presentation, fact sheet of Effective Budget in LAO PDR, brochure of ASEANSAI Monitoring and Evaluation System, and ISSAI poster to be used and distributed during ASEANSAI events.

It is expected that by attending this training, the participants will be equipped by better communication and documentation which will support the activities of ASEANSAI. Further, the good public relations capacity gained during the training is expected will make  broader public of partners, governments or civil society more aware of the SAI and ASEANSAI.