In line with ASEANSAI strategic Goal (SG 3) “to strengthen the organizational and audit capacity of member SAIs”, ASEANSAI under the Knowledge Sharing Committee (KSC) develops a project called ISSAI implementation. In order to prepare the project, COA of Philippines as the ISSAI Project Leader conducted Planning Meeting for ISSAI Implementation on 23 – 24 March 2015 in Tagaytay City, Philippines. Its objectives is to draw up a framework of how each of the ISSAI sub-project, namely (a) Internal Control, (b) Risk-Based Audit, and (c) Pool of ISSAI Facilitators contribute to the overall objective of ISSAI implementation and the establishment of an ASEANSAI Pool of ISSAI Facilitators.
JAN Malaysia present the Sub Project on ISSAI Facilitator Pool
Luz L. Tolentino, COA of Philippines explain about ISSAI Implementation Framework
The meeting was attended by twelve participants from BPK as ISSAI Sub Project Leader on Risk-Based Audit, OAG Thailand as ISSAI Sub Project Leader on Internal Control, JAN Malaysia as Sub Project Leader on ISSAI Facilitator Pool, COA of Philippines as ISSAI Project Leader, ASEANSAI Secretariat Function and GIZ Representatives. During the meeting, each sub project leaders present their project concept to invite feedback and input from the participants. Following this, they work together to develop a TOR by integrating the internal control and risk based audit projects which will be conducted from 2015 – 2017. The participants agreed to name the activity as Long-term ASEANSAI Programme on ISSAI Implementation (LTAPII) The program will involve the IDI Certified ISSAI facilitators in ASEANSAI members and its targeted participants are audit team for each SAIs. Considering that the program will be long term and to maintain the confidentiality of the documents exchange that may occur, each Head of SAI will be required to sign a letter of commitment to the ISSAI Implementation program. Finally, the program is expected to increase the number of ISSAI facilitators in ASEANSAI members and improve the ISSAI implementation in the respective SAIs.
BPK explain about sub project on RBA
OAG Thailand explain about sub project on Internal Control