Regarding to the ISSAI Implementation project in 2015, based on results of Bandung Workshop and Manila Meeting 2014, it is necessary to have a clear action plan to clarify responsibilities for each participant within the project. The action plan also includes project activities allocation and responsibilities for each donor. Considering each donor has different source and ways in supporting the ASEANSAI project, a meeting to discuss the commitment from each donor is required.
Donor coordination meeting was held in 7 February 2015 in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, a day before ASEANSAI Assembly Meeting 2015. The occasion is considered as perfect time to coordinate all the donors to have a common idea about how the project of ISSAI implementation will be done and funded effectively. The meeting aimed at:
- Discussing the ISSAI Implementation action plan which will be supported by donors; and coordination among all donors.
- Allocating and clarifying the roles and responsibilities of each donor;
- Finding specific alternatives for World Bank to arrange a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ASEANSAI on ISSAI Implementation Project;
- Discussing the ADB project on Regional Technical Assistance (RETA) and its alignment with the ISSAI Implementation Project.
- Discussing the ISSAI Implementation action plan which will be supported by donors; and coordination among all donors.
The meeting was opened by AG of SAI Malaysia, Tan Sri Amrin bin Buang, and attended representatives of responsible SAIs : Philippine (project leader), Malaysia and Indonesia (sub project leader), Brunei and Indonesia (Secretariat). 3 representatives of development partners were from from GIZ (Alexander Beetz, Jana Leutner, Daniel Blessing, Dennis Roy), Worldbank (Roberto Tarallo, Chris Fabling) and Asian Development Bank (Agustina Musa). The discussion was led by Bahtiar Arif (Secretariat Fucntion)
The meeting results a clear understanding of responsibilities for each donors within the project.
Summary of Discussion – ASEANSAI DCM