Posted by admin On January 25, 2014

The ASEANSAI Technical Meeting was held on January 17-18, 2014 in Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia. This event was held to discuss, align, develop and finalize the Work Plan and Budget 2014 – 2015 of ASEANSAI Committees and Secretariat. The technical meeting was attended by delegates from SAI of Brunei Darussalam, SAI of Cambodia, SAI of Indonesia, SAI of Lao, SAI of Malaysia, SAI of Philippines, and SAI of Vietnam, as well as observer from GIZ. At the end of the meeting, the ASEANSAI Head of Administration Function reported the final draft ASEANSAI Work Plan and Budget 2014-2015.

Afterward, on the next day, the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia held the ASEANSAI Symposium, which was a part of the series of activities for celebrating the 67th anniversary of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia as well as for the implementation of ASEANSAI Knowledge Sharing Work Plan 2014-2017. ASEANSAI Symposium on “Enhancing Public Accountability in ASEAN to achieve Regional Competitiveness and Prosperity” was the topic of the symposium. The theme of this symposium is based on the importance level of accountability for the achievement of good governance in the state, especially the state in the ASEAN region. The symposium was attended by seven SAIs of 10 ASEANSAI members, as well as observers from International Donors. On the symposium, each member of ASEANSAI will present their papers related to the accountability and the role of SAI since every state and government had their own accountability system and there is the role of audit institutions in improving the accountability, as well as the expectations of increasing the accountability through regional and international cooperation. The symposium was the tools to sharing knowledge within the ASEANSAI members that contains of the importance, form, substance and mechanism of public accountability, constraints and strategies to promote public accountability, and also the role of each SAI to support and improve their public accountability.

At the end of the symposium, the delegates of ASEANSAI members that attended this event create an ASEANSAI 2014 Communique and will be circulated by the ASEANSAI Head of Administration Function to each member of ASEANSAI once the Communique approved by the ASEANSAI Assembly.

Following the symposium, The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia also held the International Seminar related to the symposium topic on January 20, 2014 in the Head Office of BPK RI. The International Seminar was attended by all ASEANSAI delegates, SAI of Poland, Secretary General of State Institutions, Regional Secretaries, State-owned Enterprises, NGOs, Donor Organizations, and the Presidential Working Unit for the Supervision and Management of Development (UKP4). The result of the ASEANSAI Symposium was also presented at the International Seminar as a material for each participants to understand each other on the practices of accountability in some countries in the ASEAN region and to identify good practices from other countries that can be learned and applied to their own country in accordance with the laws prevailing in respective country. This event held to generate a consensus which will be useful to strengthen the role of SAIs in promoting public accountability in their respective countries to achieve the prosperousness and competitiveness of ASEAN.