From a simple notion, a great organization was born. That phrase summarizes the forerunner of the ASEANSAI establishment, the only organization of supreme audit institutions in Southeast Asia. This organization was designed to stand independently and professionally but still remained as a part of the ASEAN Community.
Step by step, the ASEANSAI establishment was finally realized. All thoughts and energy have been poured out by all parties who supported the establishment of this organization. All of them had the same noble goals, one of which was to tighten the cooperation bond among the members. Many events have been carved on the walls of time and have become history, from the time the plan of the establishment was first discussed, its formulation, until its official announcement on 16 November 2011 in Bali, which became the first milestone of the ASEANSAI establishment.
The ASEANSAI establishment has gone through several steps of preparation, namely 1) support seeking from domestic institutions, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ASEAN Secretariat, and the State Secretariat; 2) preparation of the charter concept and ASEANSAI members profile; and 3) support seeking from the SAIs of ASEAN member states; After several processes colored with enthusiasm and hard work, the ASEANSAI was declared.
Since then, many strategic steps have been taken by the ASEANSAI based on its blueprint which was continuously enhanced for the sake of a strong and resilient foundation. One of them was the meeting held in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, from 25-27 January 2012. After that, a meeting was held in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 9-10 February 2012 which was continued by a series of activities such as symposium, Instructor’s Design Meeting, training and other activities which aimed at strengthening the ASEANSAI.
This book was aimed to record the witnessing of an unforgettable history for SAIs of ASEAN member states and the basis of the future ASEANSAI development.
Download ASEANSAI Book Part 1 : From an Idea into a Reality