The Secretariat ASEANSAI conducted The 2nd ASEANSAI Senior Officials’ Meeting on August 28, 2013. This meeting was held parallel with the 4th ASEANSAI Strategic Plan Committee Meeting which conducted on August 27th-30th, 2013. This meeting was attended by 10 members of ASEANSAI. The ASEANSAI SOM aims to discuss about the strategies issues such as Permanent Secretariat, rules and procedures, relation with donors, logos, ASEANSAI Song, Chairmanship of Committee, and the tentative agenda of the ASEANSAI General Assembly in Brunei Darussalam on November 2013. Meanwhile, the Strategic Planning Committee meeting aims to finalize the draft of the ASEANSAI Strategic Planning 2014-2017 before the endorsement in the General Assembly in Brunei Darussalam on November 2013.
During the meeting in Manila, the Strategic Planning Committee also finalized the draft of The ASEANSAI Strategic Plan 2014-2017. The result of the Strategic Planning Committee meeting will be presented to the Assembly Meeting during the INCOSAI in Beijing.
All session of meetings were ended with the report from Mr. Tien Xuan Doan, Deputy Auditor General State Audit of Vietnam as the Chair of ASEANSAI Strategic Plan Committee and with the closing remark from Mr. Hendar Ristriawan, the Head of ASEANSAI Secretariat.