Posted by admin On March 26, 2013

The Committee of Permanent Representative (CPR) to ASEAN on 6  February 2013  granted the approval of ASEANSAI to be an entity associated with ASEAN. This news was delivered by the Secretary General of ASEAN, Mr. Le Luong Minh, on his letter to the Chairman of ASEANSAI dated 21 February 2013.

With this approval, ASEANSAI is now an entity that is associated with ASEAN listed under category of “Other Stakeholders” in Annex 2 of ASEANSAI Charter, and also brings some responsibilites and obligations to ASEANSAI as stated in the ASEAN Guidelines on Accreditation of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)

This status will strengthen the ASEANSAI commitment to continue the good cooperation with ASEAN for the achievement of ASEAN Community goals.

Letter from ASEAN – The Accreditation of ASEANSAI to ASEAN