The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI) as the Chairman of the ASEANSAI continues to develop its relationship with international donor agencies in its effort to preserve and maintain the cooperation that had been formed, develop new areas of cooperation and to open the possibility of various forms of cooperation.
This was revealed in the meeting between the BPK RI and the international donors on Monday, June 18, 2012 at the BPK RI Head Office, Jakarta. The international donors invited to the meeting such as the Independent Economic Advisor to the GIZ, Ms. Ute Eckardt, the AusAID, which was represented by Ms. Pat Duggan, the USAID, represented by Mr. Miles Toder, and the World Bank, which was represented by Mr. Rajat Narula. The meeting was an attemp to share the updated progress and plan of the ASEANSAI.
According to the Vice Chairman of the BPK RI, the meeting between the BPK RI and the donors is to explore possible cooperation among donors and the ASEANSAI members, as the ASEANSAI was established in order to strengthen the capacity of its members.
During the meeting, the Secretary General of the BPK RI, who also serves as the Head of the ASEANSAI SecretarIat, revealed his expectation that the donors could support and play important roles for the ASEANSAI activities. “I hope that the International Donors can support and participate in the ASEANSAI activities to build institutional capacity that includes the exchange and dissemination of knowledge and experiences in the public sector audit, the enhancement of the good governance in the ASEAN member states, and the effort to achieve the ASEAN Community 2015 with the principle of the good governance as stated in the Preamble of the Charter”, said Mr. Hendar Ristriawan.