Posted by editor On May 30, 2012

Pursuant to the ASEANSAI Training Committee Work Plan, a Training Needs Assessment Survey was developed and administered and the survey results analysed, end of April, 2012 by SAI Philippines Commission on Audit, as Training Committee Chair. The next step now is to develop a training plan CY 2012-2013 for submission and approval by the ASEANSAI Secretariat, thus a need to convene the committee members.

The Commission on Audit, Philippines will host the first ASEANSAI TC Meeting on June 4-5, 2012 to be held at the Eastwood Richmonde Hotel, Quezon City. The following members have confirmed their participation: SAI Brunei Darussalam, with Ms. Norasmah Haji Ali and Ms. Dk Fauziah Pg Muhd Kifli as delegates; SAI Indonesia with Mr. Cris Kuntadi and Mr. Yogi S. Nugroho as delegates; SAI Malaysia with Ms. Zainun Taib as delegate; SAI Thailand with Ms. Jaruwan Ruangswadipong and Ms. Sirin Phankasem as delegates; and SAI Philippines with Ms. Leila S. Paras, Ms. Melanie Anonuevo and Ms. Ma. Milagros A Lapus as delegates.

The ASEANSAI TC Meeting programme includes a discussion on the Summary of ASEANSAI Training Needs Assessment Survey which showed as the top five priority training programmes, Quality Assurance Review (Financial Audit Level); Risk -based Financial Audit; Internal Control Structure; Audit of Procurement; Fraud Investigation and Legal Evidence/Fraud Audit; and Performance Audit of Foreign-assisted/funded Projects. During the meeting, the TC should decide which among these seminars should be conducted CY 2012-2013.