Posted by editor On May 25, 2012


The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia will be hosting a Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)-Sponsored Workshop on Quality Assurance entitled “Sharing Experiences on Quality Assurance Implementation” on June 25-27, 2012 at the Santika Premiere Beach Resort Kuta, Bali, Indonesia. The workshop aims at sharing the knowledge and experiences in how the Quality Assurance is implemented by SAIs and its importance during the audit process. It is intended for SAI auditors in the ASEAN region responsible for the quality assurance and familiar with the implementation of the quality assurance.


During the workshop, participants will conduct a focus group discussion overviewing and sharing the experiences in the quality assurance and its implementation in their SAIs  and an on site field review, which will be later finalized with a wrap up session to develop the next program.