Posted by editor On March 5, 2012

ASEAN Supreme Audit Institutions (ASEANSAI) chaired by The Chairman of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI) held a meeting at the Sapphire Ballroom, J.W. Marriot Hotel Jaipur, India on February 29, 2012. This meeting is a follow up of ASENSAI Executive Committee Meeting in Brunei Darussalam on 25-27 January 2012 and ASEANSAI Committee Meeting in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia on 9-11 February, 2012. Four committees have been established during the First Assembly of ASEANSAI in Bali on November 16, 2012 to prepare and implement main activites of ASEANSAI. Those committees are Strategic Plan Committee,Rules and Procedures Committee, Training Committee and Knowledge Sharing Committee.

The prime objective of this meeting is to endorse the work plan of ASEANSAI for 2012-2013 consisting of the work plan of secretariat and four committees of ASEANSAI. The work plan will be the guidance of the implementation of ASEANSAI’s duties before its Strategic Plan is endorsed in the Second Assembly in Brunei Darussalam in 2013. In addition, ASEANSAI also discusses some important issues such as ASEANSAI official logo, relationship with similiar organizations, and some uses of terminology. The official website of ASEANSAI, www.aseansai.org , was also launched in this meeting.

The meeting was attended by all Heads of ASEANSAI members. The Chairman of ASEANSAI, Mr. Hadi Poernomo accompanied by the Vice Chairman of ASEANSAI, Pengiran Haji Abd Rahman bin Pengiran Haji Mat Saleh, and the Head of Secretariat, Mr. Hendar Ristriawan, led the meeting.


Presentation by SAI Philippines – Draft TOR and Work Plan Training Committee

Presentation by SAI Vietnam – Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee of ASEANSAI