Embraced with joy and pride, ASEANSAI came to life on November 16th 2011 as a crystallization of shared desire among the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in the ASEAN region. The nearly nine-month process of establishment had shown us all that a consistently strong determination would eventually result in a grateful accomplishment.
The long and winding road of correspondences, Technical Meeting, and Senior Officials’ Meeting which took us to the November 2011 ASEANSAI Declaration colored with views and perspectives, desires and hopes from each member has given us a valuable lesson on the future dynamics of ASEANSAI. We all expect ASEANSAI to be fruitful and prepared to cope with the challenges in the future to come.
Now lays ahead us a pile of works to be executed together. The spirit of togetherness and unity among ASEANSAI members must serve as the basis for developing a strong foundation of shared hope and desire, making ASEANSAI a forum to strengthen our capacity building in order to enhance good governance in the ASEAN region.
Welcome aboard ASEANSAI, we are ready to grow and develop our capacities together.