ASEAN Supreme audit Institutions (ASEANSAI) is the organization of ten Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of the member states of ASEAN. ASEANSAI is expected to encourage and promote good governance within the ASEAN region. Thus, ASEANSAI will focus on capacity development for SAIs of ASEAN member states and technical cooperations dealing with important and common audit issues in the ASEAN region.
ASEANSAI was established in November 16, 2011 in Bali, Indonesia, with ten members of SAI from ten member states of ASEAN, which are Jabatan Audit Brunei Darussalam, National Audit Authority of Kingdom of Cambodia, The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia, The State Audit Organization of Lao P.D.R, Jabatan Audit Negara Malaysia, Office of the Auditor General of the Union, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, The Commission on Audit of the Republic of Philippines, Auditor General’s Office of Singapore, Office of the Auditor General of Thailand; and State Audit of Vietnam.